Details of our 2025 event will be available later this year!

Newcastle City Council and partners created the My future: My choice careers event to support the young people of Newcastle to make informed vocational choices. 

The event will showcase the fantastic opportunities available within the city for all ability groups and will give young people equal opportunity to access employers, training providers, and support organisations. Year 9, Year 11, sixth formers, college students, and their parents are all invited to attend.

The event will features stallholders and speakers covering general and sector-specific options. This includes the city’s colleges and universities, and employers from a variety of sectors including green renewable, public services, hospitality, engineering, and more.

The My future: My choice also has a dedicated SEND zone and is aimed 16-25 year olds with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) and their parent/carers and is focussed for those young people with additional needs who prefer a quieter and less crowded space, though young people will still have access to the other floors. The event has been planned to allow all young people sufficient time to listen to talks and visit stallholders.

Attendance for Years 9 and 11 will be managed via their school. Places for sixth-form, college students, and their parents will need to be booked in advance.

THe 2024 EVENT took PLACE on Tuesday 30th January.

You can still download our online booklet which includes links to all company websites that were at the event by clicking the image.

my future: my choice